Tag Archives: almonds



Hey, Food Friends!

Interesting episode this week in that perhaps I should have shown it before Halloween as it has a suspenseful introduction. I won’t ruin it here, but I did something to Helenka – then again, I’m always doing something with Helenka [Helenka rolls her eyes]. Oh, well, you will just have to watch it to see what I mean. 😉

We filmed this just before the summer was completely over, so we are calling it our last gasp of summer, hence all the tropical plants you will see cluttering up the counter and, just to the left of the screen, you may catch a glimpse of Helenka’s designer purse which is also quite colourful (I’m mentioning it because she purposefully brought it on set as a festive prop to use).

On the food side, we are featuring pork chops. I had a tough time, though, choosing which fruit to use (peaches or nectarines) and choosing between our favourite Goat cheese or Blue cheese; so, in our typical fashion, we chose both fruits and both cheeses to create a completely different dish than the one we were following – and quite yummy too. I also swapped out pine nuts for almonds too (just to be completely different, of course). For the salad, we used Romaine hearts with baby spinach, red pepper, grape tomatoes drizzled with a honey mustard dressing. It was very good.

Well, that’s it for this week for notes because I’m sure the video portion will prove how easy and yummy-tasting this recipe was. So, until next time, have more fun with your food and invite some friends to join in, too!

B & H =;)

P.S. We are working on a Christmas special, so stay tuned. We hope that it will be our best show to date!

Please note: We try and review the recipes in the cookbook. However, in an effort to respect copyright, we are not able to reproduce the actual printed recipes here. If you do have the book, please follow along with us.

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Insight on: Pork Chops with Grilled Fuit

Notes from the Chef’s Sidekick (Helenka)

Oh, my stars. Brian wasn’t kidding about the other-worldly aspects of this episode. We had {duh-duh-duh, cue creepy music and creaking doors} mystery (what), suspense (where) and panic (um, obviously me). But, luckily, the missing ingredient ::giggles:: was found just in time to proceed with the show.

So, yes, we were intent on celebrating the tastes, textures and colours of summer … dragging them out beyond the date on the calendar to enhance our pleasure. And Brian was right: I did want my handbag to be a part of the set decor; I also wore a designer scarf (uh … different designer). The funny thing is that yellow and especially orange are not my colours, but they certainly are most reminiscent of summer. [Moreover, curiously, my native spirit colour IS orange.]

Okay, enough with the extraneous details. It’s time to talk food. One of the many surprising changes during my long existence on this planet is what’s happened to pork. When I was growing up, pork chops had quite a lot more fat in them. I remember being banished to the small stove in the basement when I wanted to fry a couple. Which did take some time and were very messy with fat sputtering all over (like me!). But the taste was sensational. I’m mentioning this because, nowadays, lean pork is more likely to be cooked in the time it takes to grill a steak. If you’re not careful, you end up with dried-out cardboard. And that’s one memory I’d like to forget, thank you very much.


If you’d rather avoid the need to provide such attention to cooking time for individual chops (and especially if you’d like to make this stunning dish for a crowd), I would highly recommend getting a boneless, rolled and tied pork roast that you can prepare in the oven. I happen to love making pork roasts because the meat is so amazingly tender from the controlled indirect heat source.

If you prefer something other than pork, then I believe boneless chicken breasts would be your best choice (perhaps even the ones for the barbecue that come with skin attached … more unique tastes of summer). For plating and presentation, I would suggest slicing on the diagonal and laying across the salad in a rough approximation of the original shape before adding the fruit/cheese adornment – perhaps in a ) shape alongside the chicken. And, although I do often suggest variations in fruit, I wouldn’t change a thing this time. Peaches and nectarines are luscious fruits, both in their raw state and when grilled to perfection.

By now, I’m sure you must be getting used to me assessing the authors’ finished product with an intense focus (yup, picky, picky, picky me). This time, I believe that chopped peaches/nectarines would have been easier to mix (er … glomp) than sliced. I would also like to have tried to smush the cheese(s) together with the balsamic to create a more cohesive paste before adding it to the chopped fruit.

In any case, though we may have begun the episode with a scary mystery, the end result was a very satisfying conclusion (Whodonit? Who else but the Chef!). At the end of which, we were most pleased to take our final bows (before scurrying off to enjoy our simply sensational dinner).

Microformatting by hRecipe.

Ep – 20 Chinese Chicken Salad

When the video starts to play click on the triangle to make a video quality change depending on your Internet speed (360P, 480P, 720P HD or now 1080P HD — our default is 720P HD).

I just love the salads in this book (hmm, have I said that before?? … NAH) so, as with the previous recipes, I was excited to try this one because I had never made anything like it before.

Looking for ingredients can be somewhat of a challenge, especially if they’re out of season [or, as the editor suggests, not common to where you live]; however, I didn’t think I would have this much fun looking for Napa Cabbage as I did. I always seemed to see it when shopping earlier and, of course, not when I really needed it. Isn’t that always the case – something can be found so easily when you are not looking for it.

In the end, I found it and in the nick of time too (I think I went to at least three stores over the few days prior to recording). Come to think of it, I don’t ever remember eating it before, so I was not really sure what it would taste like (as the book called for adding sugar to it, I thought it must be somewhat bitter). We really enjoyed the combination of ingredients including the Asian dressing that seemed to be quite the long laundry list of items (a little of this and a little of that – multiplied at least 5 times).

Although it was a delight to try, I’m not sure if I would recreate this salad again (though the Asian dressing does make a repeat appearance in a future show). This will have to be something for me to think about and – who knows – perhaps the right occasion will arrive for which I need such a salad as this. [Helenka is pouting and promises she’ll even make it all by herself because it was so yummy!]

Thanks again for reading and watching the show. We really do appreciate it. Have yourselves a great week and try something new, won’t you (perhaps you can tell us what it is and we might do an episode on it).

B&H =;)

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Ohhh Mandarins!

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Please note: We try and review the recipes in the cookbook; however, in an effort to respect copyright, we are not able to reproduce the actual printed recipes here. If you do have the book, please follow along with us!

Review: Chinese Chicken Salad

Notes from the Chef’s Sidekick (Helenka)

My mouth can still remember the most unusual taste sensation from this salad. One of the fun things about doing this show with Brian is that, if he misses the container when chopping or tossing and the ingredient falls on the counter, I snatch it and gobble it up. ::giggles:: I know … not at all ladylike! But, from a scientific point, I get these little opportunities to have a sneak-taste of individual ingredients and, this time, I learned something fascinating.

During this episode, Brian had just sprinkled sugar over napa cabbage and, yes, when he was tossing it, one lovely, crinkly piece tried to make a break for freedom. Not so fast, buddy. I was stunned to see how exquisite the cabbage tasted with sugar because the flavour burst on my tongue. Considering the fact that, by now, you should know I’m not exactly keen on sugar, I found this to be a revelation. And want to repeat the experience as often as possible. Yes, even if I have to make it from scratch by myself.

::wanders back from WikiLand:: Okay, so I just learned me some stuff. Such as the fact that cabbage normally has a sharp or bitter taste and that it is only through cooking that the sweetness is released. With my Polish background, it’s understandable that my most frequent experience of cabbage was in cabbage rolls where the leaves are steamed before being wrapped around the meat and rice filling and then cooked in tomato broth.

In a flash of scientific understanding, I said to myself ::listens for the familiar echo, “Self”:: the addition of sugar to raw cabbage is meant to compensate for or mask the naturally bold taste. And that’s why it makes sense to see why sugar is a customary ingredient when one follows a recipe for coleslaw. Gee, I love it when I learn something new about the chemistry of food! Look out, Ted Allen, I too can be a Food Detective!

Variations what Variations?

When it comes to variations for this salad, I wouldn’t change any of the ingredients. Wow! Is that a first for me? But there is one thing I would definitely change and that is to not heat the chicken in the microwave. I know, I know. This, coming from Ms. Microwave of 1970-something (when I purchased my first one), means that I am able to choose the longer method of cooking (even when inconvenient) if it produces superior results. The chicken needed to be reheated on the stovetop, perhaps in a lidded saucepan with a titch of water. Then it would have remained hotter longer and provided even more of a delightful contrast in temperature to the other ingredients.

So … if I’m not going to imagine any variations to share with you, I think I’ll wander down memory lane and talk about a very special birthday party (mine, natch). It must have been the late 70s or early 80s and I was in love. [Yes, this is relevant.] Even though the love was returned, we actually never said those words. But we showed each other through small kindnesses and especially with food. My gifts usually involved reservations at fancy restaurants (I believe Truffles was one); and the present I received one year was an amazing home-made dinner that started off with the most outrageously jumbo shrimp served with cocktail sauce. Then there was an authentic caesar salad made with all the bells’n’whistles (garlic-rubbed wooden bowl, anchovies, raw egg, etc.). [I can’t remember what the main course or dessert were (well, after all, it was a long, long, loooong time ago), but I wore a satin fuschia gown that evening. Do I get bonus points for style?]

I still hold dear in my heart the care, attention and artistry of seeing it prepared before me and, especially, for me. And that is why I can be so emphatic in saying that this recipe would be spectacular when prepared in front of guests, especially when the cool Asian dressing is poured over the freshly toasted sliced almonds. Now that’s SIZZLE!!!

Cooking time (duration): 60

Number of servings (yield): 4

Meal type: supper

Culinary tradition: Chinese

My rating:5 stars: ★★★★★

Microformatting by hRecipe.