Tag Archives: broccoli




Hello, Culinary Playmates:

It is I, Helenka, your fearless advocate of gustatory creativity (aka I eat weird but really tasty food and think you should, too). Though, to be perfectly honest, the only weird thing about today’s special outdoor episode is that we were using my INDOOR electric grill OUTDOORS (or semi-outdoors, as was the case on Brian’s balcony overlooking Lake Ontario). Otherwise, the food was a mix of vibrant fresh veggies, yummy shrimp, some non-traditional spices and glazes. And us as the ever-eager samplers.

I know I could talk (or, more likely, moan) about how scrumptious the food tasted, because it did. It really did. But that would be nothing new where Brian and I are concerned. So, instead, I want to introduce you to the concept of Embracing The Fake.

What do I mean? Are Brian and I not all about REAL food, GENUINE friends and OODLES of fun? Well, as you could really tell from the background (and ::growls in irritation:: foreground) sounds of traffic, we were outdoors all right. Or … somewhat outdoors, since we were on Brian’s covered but otherwise open to the elements balcony. Also, even if you can’t tell because of the glare behind us, there IS a lake there.

Though we were technically outdoors, we were able to access and use the amenities available to us, such as electricity to power the indoor grill! Yay! As much as I love various outdoor locations for barbecues and picnics (and have been known to cajole people to stick a metal rack in their trunks so that we could use a firepit as a handy instant bbq grill), indoors is mighty convenient when you don’t feel like packing all that STUFF and lugging it from home to what feels like the ends of the earth.

In previous years, Brian and I have had barbecues at my place and, even if we only had to carry stuff a short distance, it took several trips from his car and my kitchen. So I was relieved that we didn’t have to do any of that arduous lugging this time. Mind you, Brian’s lucky that he has a balcony. So many condos have been built without any outside access, because developers think that a sun-killed (oops, I meant sun-filled … /sarcasm) solarium will suffice, even one without windows that open. ::sighs:: What a way to keep people from actually enjoying the outdoors (whether it’s sunny or raining or foggy, but at least you can feel it).

Therefore, the trick is to try to recreate the essence of outdoors while inside. And that’s where Embracing The Fake comes into play. Let’s pretend that you do have a large solarium or just a very bright set of windows in your living room. You can turn that into a pretend patio very easily. How? Well, the first thing is to estimate how much space you can devote to your patio. When you’ve done that, you divide the “patio” from the living room with a row of several ficus trees or pruned standards in pots. Then you can accentuate the boundary by hanging those shortish Japanese cloth doorway panels from the ceiling. To allow light to pass during the day, you can use clips to pin the inner corners to the outer.

The easiest (and most convertible) way to define the walls of the patio is to staple bamboo mats to the two walls facing each other. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, you can also do this on the ceiling and have bamboo poles holding up the ceiling. [BTW, this is not my original idea. I had a lovely friend in my life who did this in his first condo many decades ago.] Lay down sisal mats on the floor. Then add plants (both flowering and bushy that you can replace as often as needed) in uniform pots throughout the space as well as a garden table and chairs, perhaps even a loveseat or park bench. Add some hanging plants from the ceiling. If your ceilings are especially high, then you may want to use artificial plants so that you won’t have to worry about watering or drowning them. Line the window area with a row of trays holding various herbs. Just imagine how exquisite the scent will be. [I’m partial to rosemary and basil, myself.]

But wait. I’m not finished yet. Whether you’re living right next to a lake or are miles away, you can recreate that soothing water feature with a fountain. You can get carried away with a large one (really affordable if you build your own pond using a special liner, surrounded by plants) or the smaller portable ones you can find in specialty, hardware and even supermarket chains. Some even have lights. I’ve had my share of many fountains. Right now, I only have two sound machines (and, of course, my fave sound is that of a running stream which lulls me to sleep every night). Brian’s partial to water sounds, too, and occasionally has hooked up his sound machine to portable speakers so we can sit out on his balcony with the amplified waves lapping at the shore as we gaze at the lake. It’s incredibly soothing and reminds us of places we’ve been.

Finally, add some summer type lanterns, including the ones on a cord that are supposed to be suspended. Put some small floodlights at the base of the row of shrubs. You can also get the latest solar-powered lights (intersperse their stakes amid the herbs by the windows) that will come on at dusk, allowing you to enjoy your evenings in a lush but insect-free atmosphere.

I remember going way overboard (if you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s my default setting) in December of 1996. I wanted to impress someone from my past, so bought three white 4×8-foot lattice panels. I suspended two on either side of my 20-foot long windows, while the third went across my TV nook. Then I strung up clear mini tree lights before adding tons of artificial vines and leaves. It felt especially magical at night. With the addition of several fountains, I could forget that it was winter outside. Once again, this was not an original idea of mine, but one I copied from a fancy reception I’d attended, where each table had a rectangular latticed column covered with leaves and twinkling lights. You know, it never hurts to be aware and to remember what others have done that you can try to recreate in whole or in part.

I hope the message you take away from this episode is that, even though it’s marvellous to be outdoors (and authentic), it’s also fun and practical to bring the outdoors inside. Why don’t you take a look around to see if you can transform some of your space to maintain the illusion of terrific weather and liven up your mood.

Surprisingly, Brian and I didn’t need to maintain any illusions this week. It’s continued to be unseasonably warm (late spring-like weather, though a friend in South-West Ontario mentioned it had been incredibly summer-hot; but, then again, she doesn’t live on the shore of a lake). We hope you’ve enjoyed watching us as we played with our shrimp and veggies and know that it’s an easy meal to prepare. Until next time, have yourselves a great week and think about what kinds of outrageously imaginative ideas you can come up with to create your own indoor garden haven. If necessary, you may blame the blonde!


B&H =:)

Friends Food Fun Christmas Special – Reinventing Tradition


In last year’s special, Brian and I gave you a heaping helping (a mountain, even) of variations on some of the traditions that have been a part of our lives separately and together. However, this year, it appears that Brian went out (waaaaay out) to create an amazing Christmas dinner that speaks to some of today’s values.

Most of the traditions we grew up with involved a lot of physical exertion (food shopping, storing, prep work, cooking, keeping the finished product warm or cold, then washing a mountain of dishes and putting leftovers away, before finally collapsing) as well as staying on top of individual cooking times and temperatures. So … a lot of work, a lot of worry, and a lot of exhaustion. Sound like a lot of fun? Nope, not in any dictionary I know.

So … today’s values, huh? Indeed. Such as the value of being considerate by not overburdening one person (or a few) with the necessity of conforming to the stringent preparation of oh-so-many recipes, simply because that’s the way it was always done. I’m constantly amazed (though I do admit to being guilty of the practice in the past – is this where I promise never to badger Brian for stuffed tomatoes again? ::squirms uneasily:: Uh … maybe) when people pout because you’re not planning to include Great Grandma’s Ultimate whatever-it-is, even though it needs to be started three days in advance, requires storage space you don’t have and three burners on your stovetop. See, the thing is that Great Grandma could make it because there were usually lots of young’uns hanging around the kitchen (a large space full of good smells and – if you were lucky – you got to lick the spoons or nibble on the cast-off ends that weren’t pretty enough to serve to company) to help with the prep work. Storage space? Lots of it in a large pantry or summer kitchen. Three burners? On a six-burner stove, it might mean a bit of crowding, though it wasn’t impossible. But, somehow, the meaning of the season turned into a rigid requirement with the added emotional layer that, by not making Great Grandma’s Ultimate whatever-it-is, you were either disrespecting Great Grandma or her memory. Shouldn’t the value and memory of Great Grandma instead be one of her warmth, her generosity and hospitality rather than GGU-w-i-i? I would certainly hope so. And I believe Great Grandma would, too.

Or what about the value of not having a closed mind where it comes to any experience, food included? Brian and I both grew up in more tightly knit communities where there weren’t many opportunities to eat foods from around the world. But that has changed and it’s marvellous. Shouldn’t that be reflected even in our holiday meals? Rhetorical question, obviously.

Or what about the value of diversity? Where we can invite people into our lives, homes and dining rooms who may bring foods that we may have never associated with the way we’ve always observed a particular holiday. Actually, that used to happen to me at the Christmas day dinners I hosted at church for a decade. With the exception of a turkey or two – compliments of a generous local butcher – everything else was potluck where I tried valiantly to make sure there would be enough variety of foods rather than five versions of coleslaw or, more likely with our congregation, 25 different desserts. ::gets distracted:: Oh … those yummy desserts. Actually, I think I was even a bad influence one Christmas when I brought a President’s Choice Bread Pudding, knowing that I could heat it up there. But, then, I had a valid excuse, having to be there hours in advance – as the host – to start decorating and setting up.

What about the value of allowing a holiday observation to be relaxed, of making the recipes conform to the whims and activities of the guests rather than forcing the guests to observe a nearly military-minded agenda. The danger of having such a rigid schedule is that, if any little thing goes wrong, then everything is thrown off. Not only that, there are identifiable health risks of eating too much food in too short a time, especially if so many dishes have high salt, sugar or fat content. It’s not just a matter of the dead air around the table as its overly-stuffed celebrants sink into a stupor.

Finally, there’s the value of having the host also be a guest at the celebration. That can only happen if we all embrace the concept of opening ourselves up to new experiences. Including the variety of exquisite nibbles that Brian served during our celebration (some prepared in advance and one where I joked I wanted to be alone with it in the bedroom because it was such a sensual eating experience) and culminating in a very relaxed Raclette for the main course supper (during which we could and did decide we’d had enough) was definitely a sign of modern-day thinking.

It really felt terrific to know that we could eat however much we wanted and whatever was left over, Brian would be able to have the next day. Nor would it be half a turkey carcass!

Even though our holiday celebration was for only two people, you could recreate the supper with more guests sharing the electric Raclette and grill combo, though the relaxation factor would be reduced due to the necessity of switching out the little pans more quickly. It may not sound like a huge factor but, over the course of supper, it would place the focus on keeping track of time instead of the conversation and laughter. In an ideal setting, I would have one Raclette (or other suitable appliance that could sub for one) for every two people. Even if you’d need to borrow or rent multiples, it would be so worth it.

The other joy of cooking at the table is the conviviality factor. Guests talk and laugh more. The conversation seems to sparkle. And all that merely from being involved, even in something as nominal as elementary tabletop cooking. Of course, in my opinion the queen of the tabletop cooking appliances is the Fondue pot, whether flame or electric. You know where my allegiance lies. Hint: it’s not the one with the flame. [I know it’s heresy, but I’ll even take fake over real when it comes to fireplaces? Why? Because of all those summers up north when the real (though utterly gorgeous) fireplace sent the heat up the chimney instead of out into the huge and chilly great room.] Another possibility would be a Korean-style BBQ. I’m sure you could come up with more portable variations of recipes that could be cooked very easily and quickly at the table, adding to the entertainment factor.

Friends Food Fun Christmas Pictures
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The final menus that Brian presented are shown here:

Late Lunch Appetizers

Prosciutto Wrapped Dates with Goat Cheese
Cocktail Shrimp with Seafood Sauce
Chipotle Hummus
Baked Brie with Red Hot Pepper Jelly
Pork Pâté
Boursin Cheese
Assorted Crackers


Electric Raclette
cooked sausages chorizo
gherkins and cocktail onions
baby corn
small roasted potatoes
grape tomatoes
aged cheddar cheese



Variations on Raclette

While we were making huge inroads into the bowls and plates of veggies, potatoes and meat awaiting being sizzled with cheese under the Raclette broiler, I let my imagination go wild. And you can, too. Any vegetable or fruit that would work on a skewer would work here, too. By happy coincidence, we learned how luscious the whole grape tomatoes tasted, especially when we bit into them and were rewarded with a juicy splash. I’d like to see preserved artichoke hearts and flame-broiled red pepper strips, as well as grilled or marinated mushrooms under the cheese. It might be a little more demanding, but thin strips of chicken or beef could be grilled first, then given the cheesy treatment. If you love seafood, then you could use chunks of lobster tail or marinated octopus rounds or squid rings. Okay, okay, you can leave the octopus and squid. [More for me, yay!] This recipe usually calls for a Raclette cheese. Well, Brian used aged Cheddar. If you don’t want to use either of those, then you could use Brie (that reminds me of the Brie and Vegetables from many episodes ago) or a flavoured Goat cheese (hmmm, Pizza episodes, anybody?). Or Feta (imagine the ingredients for a Greek salad, except heated up). The only cheese we felt couldn’t work would be Cream cheese, because it’s not dense enough to withstand the intense and close heat source. It would just melt away.

Speaking of pizza, you could translate the recipe to start with a pre-cooked pizza dough or any other kind of commercial flatbread. Using the little trays as a guideline, you could cut the dough or bread into exact shapes in advance, then keep them from drying out by placing in a covered basket until dinner was ready to be made.

If I’m really allowed to go wild (and, as the editor of this frivolous adventure, I give myself permission [Self, you have the power!]), then I could see this Raclette idea being used as the ultimate dessert following a barbecue in the summertime. After all, if it’s perfectly acceptable to use a grill even in the hottest part of the day, then it’s just as suitable to use a Raclette grill for dessert when the sun has gone down. For this variation, I would suggest pre-baked pie pastry (brushed with a bit of sweet butter or margarine) cut to fit into the little trays, then covered with a variety of your favourite summer fruits (sliced peaches, pears, strawberries, seedless grapes … anything that has a skin to maintain cohesiveness). Top with the cheese of your choice and await to be yummed! You could grill the sliced fruit first to release more flavour. Well, as long as I’m already way out, I’ll propose an ultimate apple pie Raclette. Using pre-cooked pie pastry, spoon on a bit of applesauce before layering on sliced grilled apples. Before topping with some extra-aged Cheddar, grind some Cinnamon/Sugar/Chocolate sprinkles (the kind I gave Brian last year, IIRC). But, wait! That’s not all. When you remove each portion from under the Raclette broiler, add a scoop of decadent Vanilla ice cream. Swoon-worthy. Definitely swoon-worthy. And most likely something no traditional Raclette user has ever imagined.

Well, I can’t believe I’m about to write this, but I think I’ve written enough. Wow! The editor can show moderation, too. I hope everyone will enjoy a serene holiday season and a joyous New Year. See you when the calendar page is flipped over!

And I think it’s fitting to (mostly) reuse our closing words from 2010.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal viewers as we complete another fantastic year of celebrating great friendships, fantastic food and, of course, we cannot forget the fun!

Presented here is the special journey that I surprised Helenka with in our Second Friends Food Fun! Christmas Special. And we’re so proud to share the recipes with you.

Happy Holidays,
Peace and Long Life,
See you in the New Year!

B&H =:)

Christmas at Allan Gardens
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English Trifle (the original)
2 marble pound cakes
2 pints fresh strawberries
1/4 cup white sugar
1 pint fresh blueberries
2 pints raspberries
2 bananas
1/4 cup orange juice
1 (3.5 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix
2 cups milk
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup blanched slivered almonds
12 maraschino cherries

Slice strawberries and sprinkle them with sugar. Cut the bananas into slices and toss with orange juice. Combine pudding mix with milk and mix until smooth. Cut the cake into 1 inch cubes.
Use half of the cake cubes to line the bottom of a large glass bowl. Layer half of the strawberries followed by half of the blueberries, and then half of the bananas. Spread half of the pudding over the fruit. Repeat layers in the same order.
In a medium bowl, whip the cream to stiff peaks and spread over top of trifle. Garnish with maraschino cherries and slivered almonds.

* This recipe is amazing when you substitute marble pound cake for the plain, and add chopped brownies (cause Helenka told me to 😉 ).

Prosciutto Wrapped Figs with Goat Cheese
12 figs
1 small package of mild goat cheese
1/4 pound prosciutto
Remove stems from figs. Using a small sharp knife open up the fig from the top to about the middle with an X-cut. Place a small amount of goat cheese into the opening. Wrap the fig with a piece of prosciutto and secure with a tooth pick. Place figs on a baking sheet, drizzle honey over them and put under the broiler just until prosciutto starts to sizzle. You only want to warm these up and melt the cheese just a bit. These are sweet and salty, creamy and gooey.

Obviously, we used dates in place of figs. When substituting dates for figs, omit the honey.

Decorating a Mantle

Music for both videos provided by Kevin MacLeod




Hey, Foodies,

Look at us in our new digs!

It was one year ago when I started publishing a blog on http://brianupward.com
Even though Helenka and I started filming in January, I wanted to ensure we were ahead of the game so I didn’t start publishing until March 2010.

Now, one year later, we are kicking it up a notch with a brand new website (same great content). We’ve picked a new theme that matches our personalities (“We Love Playing With Our Food”) plus are throwing in some … umm … “special” characters.

I’m keeping my name as a site as well, though I will be transforming it soon into something else and it will be used to showcase some of my photos and other adventures I’ve been on.

Helenka will be taking on a bigger role in the writing ‘cause that is what she does best (besides editing my blurbs [Helenka gloats quietly: Yay, I have the power!] ). I’ll be spending more time on the other “creative” aspects of running the blog, including the video editing, shopping, cooking, etc. [Helenka figures that means exclusive use of sharp implements too.]

For this episode, I tried my hand at making a version of Pad Thai. Lucky for me, the box of noodles I bought just happened to have a packet of sauce included (okay, for my first time, I thought I should be able to get away with a ready-made sauce 😛 ).

I’ll leave the rest to Helenka to describe (take it away, me dear!).

Have yourselves a great week and don’t forget to have fun with your food, too!

B&H =;)
PS. If you are a science fiction fan, the title is a play on the words that George Takei is famous for and the way he says them.

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Helenka’s Notes:

Hello, everybody!
Are you excited?
I’m overwhelmed because we moved and I didn’t even have to pack a thing.

So, with our brand new … uh … brand comes a brand new maturity. NOT! Nope, ‘cuz I even went younger with my new Shirley Temple curly locks (with giggles to match). And Brian was equally silly, too (despite trying to maintain a chefly (chefish? chefesque??) decorum.

For this episode, as I was positive there were no old boxes or jars hanging around our shiny studio kitchen, Brian went out and bought something interesting. It was a kit for Original Pad Thai containing stir-fry rice noodles with sauce (Thai Kitchen brand). We’ve both eaten lots of Pad Thai at various Thai restaurants around Toronto and elsewhere, so this was not a new experience for us.

However, as we’ve learned during the cooking of other dishes, it’s fun to experiment by adding or substituting ingredients to make it ours. For this recipe, we had the latitude to include shrimp or chicken or tofu with our choice of veggies. Actually, according to the box, the veggies were also in the “OR” category, but I’m glad Brian didn’t pay any attention to that exclusion! From the tags (and watching the episode), you’ll see the veggies that were used and that meant that Brian could omit one ingredient that was on the box recipe, namely bean sprouts. That was just as well, as bean sprouts – in my opinion – have to be purchased and used on the spot … a bit difficult to do when mixing a working day with filming later. I’m thrilled though that he did include cilantro and lime wedges (listed as optional garnishes along with fresh chilies). And crushed walnuts stood in for peanuts.

If you’re curious as to what was in the packet of sauce, the primary ingredients were (in decreasing order): sugar, water, rice vinegar, preserved radish, tomato paste, anchovy fish sauce, chives, soy oil, red chili, tamarind paste, salt, garlic, shallot and, finally, paprika (for colour). When Brian gets around to making his own the next time (for surely there must be a next time), we’ll be sure to see what variations there were from the commercially available kind.

Okay, so I’ve mentioned how much fun we had not only with our food but also just with our normal (for us) banter. But … ::wonders out loud:: what else am I going to write about???

+++brain gets a flash of inspiration+++
Okay, I’m going to indulge in a wee bit of nostalgia about growing up in Toronto and how lucky I consider myself to be living in what has been identified more than once as the most diverse city in the world.

You already know about Brian’s past … growing up on The Rock and mine in a Polish neighbourhood in TO. When I was young, I didn’t know what pasta was, except for having the occasional broad egg noodles or fine nests, usually in a broth. But pasta, that was what Italian families ate … in the next neighbourhood to the north. I don’t even think I ever ate any at my school cafeteria (where the norm was chicken or beef (fish on Fridays), a scoop of mashed potato, veggies, buttered bread, dessert and milk). Yes, that was a very long time ago when school lunches managed to override and even out our unique ethnic backgrounds.

So … where am I going with this? Right here. I never considered that noodles could be made from anything other than wheat. Rice? Really? Well, it’s not unrealistic to think of how limited my world view was, especially knowing how important and prominent wheat is as a crop on the Canadian prairies. But now, being older (and I hope wiser), I can understand how people around the world would use ingredients at hand (so … Asian rice fields) to create noodles. And then I think of what I read in high school, namely the popular interpretation that it was Marco Polo who introduced spaghetti into Italy from China. Made with hard wheat. Which I’ve just read was available in Asia, as well as rice flour.

To further confuse me, I’ve just discovered where my fave noodles (called glass or cellophane) come from. They’re a product of … starch (as in mung bean starch, yam, potato starch, cassava or canna starch) and water. Doesn’t sound so glamorous, does it … but I love the taste and look of these translucent noodles (and can usually get a dish from a Korean take-out counter downtown … and occasionally Thai restaurants as well).

My meandering point is that sometimes, because of limitations of geography and cultural homogeneity, we can miss out on spectacular tastes from around the world. Despite my (slightly idiosyncratic but well-fed) Polish childhood, I’m so glad I grew up into being eager to try new taste sensations, no matter what their origin. [Though, shhhh. It’ll be our little secret that I will never learn to appreciate natto, aka fermented Japanese soybeans!]

I’m even tempted to opine that food was one of the instrumental factors in bringing people from different backgrounds together to live in harmony in Toronto. Though I do remember being made to feel like an outsider once or twice (and recall having to reassure a nervous restaurant owner that, yes, I knew exactly what “variety” meat was (and trotted out a very specific list, lol), but that was many years ago. Since then, it’s been my experience that most people living here believe there’s no point in regulating strict food boundaries that correspond to specific neighbourhoods, as if to indicate that nobody anywhere without a heritage other than theirs could possibly appreciate their cuisine as a whole or discern its finer nuances. And I believe it means a lot to see one’s food respected by those who didn’t grow up eating it only because it was what was placed before them. And, for newcomers to international cuisine, imagine getting closer to people even if you can’t speak a word of their language. Except that food itself is a language that doesn’t require an interpreter, merely the willingness to share in the experience.

I’ve just thought about another cultural relic from my past. Toronto used to have a yearly food/culture festival called “Caravan”. Its purpose was to provide opportunities for exposure to food and other integral activities even beyond the wealth of what was already available in so many diverse communities (so, yes, I’ll admit to beer drinking at the Tranzac Club – a home away from home for Australians and New Zealanders living in TO). Many of Caravan’s “pavilions” were housed in religious, cultural and community halls around the city and provided an easily accessible and affordable way to fill one’s “passport”. The idea has spread to and been successful in other cities near Toronto. ::cheers:: Now I don’t want people to come to the conclusion that Toronto is the perfect city ::pouts off camera:: but I really do believe that our diverse neighbourhoods and their food, not to mention an open curiosity within our population, has made us the urban and urbane centre we are today. Okay, I guess that’s enough geopolitical introspection into Toronto and its food.

But, before you go to sleep tonight, think about something you’ve read about or seen but never eaten. And resolve to go ::giggles:: where no one has gone before (oh, I just had to use that line). And may your own food discoveries bring you much satisfaction and joy!What about this one?