Tag Archives: Brown Mushrooms

Ep – 23 Helenka Celebrates a Birthday (with steak)!


Hey Everyone ,
We’re back in full swing with another food adventure from Helenka and me. Unfortunately, last week, I was not able to post from my vacation location. It was quite nice actually not having the usual electronic distractions (phones, internet, television, etc.). I also had a chance to pretend that the world did not exist outside of the area – which in and of itself is a great thing to feel from time to time. Of course, reality set in once the week was over and it was back to the city with me!

This week, we’re presenting a recreation of Helenka’s Birthday Dinner” which was originally held at Ruth’s Chris, a famous steakhouse chain, at their Mississauga location (http://ruthschris.ca or http://ruthschris.com for our US friends).

The venue was supposed to be a secret surprise for Helenka as she was celebrating a major milestone birthday. She did eventually figure it out once the date came closer; perhaps it was the clues I gave her [Helenka adds, like the whole menu!]. Now, seeing as one should never ask a lady to divulge her true age, all I will say is that she’s in the millions of years (so I am told and that’s what I said on camera too – I no fool).

One of the features I liked about this restaurant was that they have a prix fixe (fixed price) menu where one can choose from two different price points (at the time there were two, though it seems there is only one choice now for the prix fixe when I recently looked again [Helenka says it was a Spring Special on the website when Brian treated me]). We chose an appetizer, main course, side dish and finally dessert.

For starters, I had the Harvest Salad and she the Lobster Bisque, though we both chose the Filet Mignon for our mains. My side was green beans and Helenka’s was mushrooms. We both loved our sides and even shared them too! Dessert was tartufo as well as the special birthday cake presented to Helenka. Then there were the fabulous martinis, cherry chocolate and I believe espresso. Let’s just say it was a fine evening!

As we wanted to share our fabulous meal with our audience, I thought why not recreate it as close as we can in my own kitchen. I found a steak recipe in the “Cook This Not That Book” along with a compound butter combination that sounded divine. I also went shopping for brown mushrooms and green beans just to give that authentic finishing touch.

I don’t have a barbecue so I use my oven broiler to grill steaks. Typically, I like T-bone (though, for this episode, we used top sirloin marinated in red wine vinegar – yum) and put it under the broiler for about 7 minutes each side depending on the thickness. Helenka discovered this guide which we found useful for the top sirloins .

Here are some pics that we took from the episode and comparison.

Top Sirloin Steak

Sauteed Brown Mushrooms

Steamed Green Beans with Roasted Garlic

Compound Butter

To make this blog entry even more special, I thought I would show you the pics that I posted on twitpic as the event took place. Okay, so some of these pics will not be flattering to either of us as I was using my cellphone to post them; Helenka has not seen them so I am sure there will be shrieks heading my way … any time soon … wait for it … [Helenka rings Brian and says but doesn’t yell “Shriek”, wishing to edit out some of the pics].

You can click on a pic to see a full size version (opens in another window).

Follow me on Twitter! @TheRealBrianU

Harvest SaladHelenkaChocolate Martini

Table DecoratedMe and HerThe Steak

My SteakOhh Cherry!Birthday Cake

Helenka Blowing CandleMy Raspberry TartufoEspresso Martini

As a sign off for this week, I would like to wish my dear friend and partner in crime er cooking, Helenka, a very “Happy Birthday” and here’s to many more adventures!

Have yourselves a GREAT week and we shall see you real soon. Thanks for watching
B&H =:)

Please note: We try and review the recipes in the cookbook; however, in an effort to respect copyright, we are not able to reproduce the actual printed recipes here. If you do have the book, please follow along with us!


Notes from the Chef’s Sidekick (Helenka)

Brian treated me to a sparkling celebration of a milestone birthday (and, no, I won’t say which one … though he’s already revealed that there are a LOT of zeros in the number) the first Saturday in June by taking me to Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Mississauga. Originally, he tried to keep me both fascinated and frustrated by sending me the menu without disclosing the name of the establishment. Moi, being a semi-efficient web sleuth, managed to find the matching restaurant to the menu on my first click. I was quite excited as I’d never been to either location (the other one is in downtown TO).

Being treated royally (by Brian and the staff) was wonderful (especially after I’d … er … nagged him about my throne requirements). The booth was very comfortable. The sparkly confetti were … extra shiny. But the best part was that Brian had chosen a place he thought I would enjoy. And I did. I really, really did!

I don’t think I have enough superlatives for describing the quality of the steaks we had. I told the manager that this was the best steak I’d ever had in my life … and that was nothing but the truth. I’ve eaten at Morton’s (a memorable celebration of the fake millennium, aka one year earlier than the real one – for those of us who are purists). I’ve also had many exceptional, often romantic, dinners at Le Trou Normand probably, if I recall correctly, since its opening in 1973. Their filet mignon was wonderful and reasonably priced (which is always a good thing when you want to go out a lot).

But my steak (done rare) from Ruth’s Chris topped them all. It was so tender, I almost didn’t need to use a knife and the meat seemed to separate in my mouth. When I complimented the manager and described the experience, he said it was a feature the chain prided itself on – the suppleness of the beef. And that is the perfect word to describe our steaks.

So Brian had big shoes to fill in trying to recreate my birthday. Who was I to complain, getting two birthdays-in-one?

I thought his plan to marinate the meat in red wine vinegar was brilliant. He wasn’t merely using one acid … but two. I mentioned the fact that the taste, without the mellowing influence of the special butter, reminded me of German cooking. I was thinking specifically about Sauerbraten , a dish that is traditionally made using more economical cuts of meat which do need tenderizing. As Brian’s steaks were of a very good quality, they just needed that little extra touch to enhance their tenderness and flavour.

One of my idiosyncrasies (I’ll preempt Brian, as I’m sure he’ll pipe in with “One of so, so, so many” – Note from Brian “I second that comment ;)”) is that I never finish a steak in a restaurant. It’s not that I don’t want to, especially when the steak is exceptional, but the fact is that even a small filet can be a Lot. Of. Meat. So I usually end up taking at least half of it home to consume cold the next day for breakfast. Remember, my idiosyncrasy . But I also don’t want to disturb meat (through reheating) that was already cooked perfectly to my specifications. So, as I gleefully chomped on cold leftover steak, I just wished I could have had some more of that compound butter. I think I would have heated the butter and then poured it over the cold steak for yet another interesting taste experience. Hmmm. Maybe Brian will make it again, just so I can have leftovers for experimentation, lol! Can you imagine me whining, “But, Brian, it’s for scientific research!” – Note from Brian “Epicurean research is more like it!”

Anyway, both my Birthday and Epilogue (er … Sequel … Part Deux) were marvellous, thanks to my bestest friend in the universe. Brian, I can’t believe we’ve been having adventures (some goofy but none forgettable) for nearly two decades. I still can’t quite grasp that we’re doing this amazing project together which is not only entertaining and informative but also so much fun. Cheers to our third decade together!!! Note from Brian – “I’ll drink to that!”.

Cooking time (duration): 60

Diet (other): High protein

Number of servings (yield): 2

Culinary tradition: USA (General)

My rating: 5 stars: ????? 1 review(s)

Microformatting by hRecipe.