Tag Archives: Pork Tenderloin



Too tired to read then click play on the box below to hear the blog read to you by Brian (and occasional comment by Helenka when I screw it up).

Hello, Culinary Playmates:

It is I, Helenka, your fearless advocate of gustatory creativity (aka I eat weird but really tasty food and think you should, too).

This episode had nothing weird in it (well, except for a handful of inventive substitutions). What? Is Brian not playing with his food any more? Not to worry. He chose to make an exquisite Grilled Pork Tenderloin accompanied by a Sautéed Pineapple Salsa. So-so-so yummy! Oh, wait. It was unusual and unconventional which does make it a titch “weird”, so I’m still qualified to write about it!

When people think about grilled meat, they’re usually expecting strongly-flavoured rubs and grilling sauces (containing lots of pepper, garlic, etc.). To be honest, we both like those, too, especially when the zing permeates throughout the meat and we get to play with the gooey tomato-based sauces (which usually involves licking our fingers a lot).

But to treat a gorgeous length of pork tenderloin to not only honey mustard but extra honey was brilliant. I usually don’t expect to be chewing sweet meat, so it was a delightful surprise, followed by the shock to the tastebuds when I swallowed the fruity-veggie (hot-hot-hot) accompanying salsa. Thank goodness there was a sprightly side salad so that I could cool my mouth off … well, until the next bite and swallow. Brian may have had all the fun of playing with the food, but I was on a roller-coaster eating adventure! See me so not complaining.

Some of you may wish to have alternatives to cooking pork. In this case, I believe you have many possibilities for substitutions. You could do beef tenderloin (or individual steaks) with an orange zest-honey-honey mustard rub and a mandarin orange-sweet cherry-onion salsa.

Or individual lamb loin chops with a crushed mint-oregano-rosemary-honey-honey mustard rub and a papaya-peach-onion salsa.

Or skinless, boneless chicken breasts or thighs with a macerated raspberry-honey-honey mustard rub and a green mango-pear-onion salsa.

Or even thick salmon steaks with a mashed ripe apricot-honey-honey mustard rub and a halved red seedless grape-apple-onion salsa.

I can imagine your eyes glazing over because of the repetition of “honey-honey mustard rub” but, in my inventive culinary opinion (not to mention usual bossiness), both the honey and honey mustard are integral to maintaining a sweet taste as well as promoting the natural chemical reaction from the application of direct heat to the grilled surface. As for the salsa, onion is terrific for balancing the sweet fruit as well as complementing any combination of herbs and spices (that I’m leaving up to your imaginations). Just remember to keep the flesh sweet and the salsa spicy hot and you’ll end up with a winner of your own!

Helenka’s and Brian’s Nostalgic Meanderings:
Usually it’s only Helenka who goes meandering through the cobwebs of her mind (until Brian tries valiantly to rein her in). But this time we’re both here with a very simple but powerful reminder of memories that will forever be with us.
H: “I love the sound of sizzle.”
B: “Me, too.”

Well, that’s a wrap for another winter episode for early February, 2012. I don’t know what the weather’s like in your neck of the woods, but we’ve been spoiled with little snow, no wind, lots of sun and blue skies (and an unusually vivid tropical hue of blue in the lake) though – alas – I fear winter’s about to give us an unwanted present tomorrow (snow showers in the forecast). So we think it’s the perfect hint-hint-hint for you to make this recipe and dream of summer. Fruit, veggies and grilling spell instant summer, even if the sizzle is only possible in your kitchen and you don’t look out the windows. Until next time, have yourselves a great week and don’t forget to have fun with your food, too!

B&H =;)

Please note: We prepare, taste and review the recipes in the cookbook. However, in an effort to respect copyright, we are not able to reproduce the actual printed recipes here. If you do have the book, please follow along with us.

Friends Food Fun Ep 1!


With the Internet fast becoming a place where any person can now create their own audio/video netcast I thought perhaps we should give it a try.
So me and my friend Helenka based here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada schemed to create our very own cooking show (faults and all) with a little editing using the magic of iMovie I’m pleased to present to you “Friends Food Fun!”.

In our first episode we created a meal consisting of marinated pork tenderloin, roasted fingerling potatoes and parmesan asparagus.

Also with the set limit of 10 minutes per YouTube video (plus we had so much fun doing this) you may notice that the video contains quite a few transitions (Im still learning how to edit properly – sigh we found one spelling mistake as well).

Well thanks for watching and enjoy!

B =:)

Recipe: Marinated Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Fingerling and Asparagus


  • 1 Pork Tenderloin (about 12 oz)
    12 Fingerling Potatoes
    8 Asparagus Stalks
    1/2 cup of your favourite marinade (we used a Pomegranate one)
    1/4 cup olive oil (shared between the Potatoes and Asparagus)
    1/8 cup grated Parmesan
    2 tbs Rosemary (fresh or dried though fresh is best of course)
    1 clove of Garlic, finely chopped
    Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. In a container of your choice, pour the marinade over the pork tenderloin; leave in refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. [ Yes I called this process festering 😉 ] 

    Heat oven to 350 degrees (the temperature will remain the same for all cooking in this recipe).
    Next, in a mixing bowl, place the fingerlings, 2 tbs of the olive oil, chopped garlic, rosemary and salt and pepper and mix till the fingerlings are coated. On a cookie sheet wrapped in foil (for easy cleanup), arrange the fingerlings and put into oven for about an hour.

    At the half hour mark, put your Pork Tenderloin on the same cookie sheet as the potatoes and roast for the final 30 minutes. Once the pork and fingerlings are finished, remove from oven and cover the potatoes/pork to keep warm and to allow the pork to rest.

    Meanwhile on another cookie sheet covered with foil, place your prepped asparagus in a single layer. Drizzle the remaining 2 tbs of olive oil and season with salt and pepper before putting into oven for about 7 minutes; then remove from oven and sprinkle the parmesan cheese over the asparagus before returning to the oven to roast for another 5 minutes.

    Slice the pork on the diagonal and serve with the fingerlings and asparagus – Enjoy!

Notes from the Chef’s Sidekick (Helenka)

Dinner was roasted pork (yes, I goofed and said beef on camera) tenderloin (medium rare), asparagus (with parmesan) and fingerling potatoes. Verdict: yummmmmmmmm, especially the pork slices and the slender stalks of asparagus. Also very elegant. We both enjoy our pork tenderloin less than well-done, as the cut of meat is so easy to cook thoroughly. We sprinkled the slices of roasted meat with one of the finishing salts I’d given him: it was the Salish (smoked over red alder, recommended for roasts and salmon) and it was an exquisite, delicate enhancement.

Cooking time (duration): 45

Number of servings (yield): 2

Meal type: dinner


Our First Dish - Pork Tenderloin, Fingerling Potatoes, Asparagus