Tag Archives: Vanilla



Hey, Dessert Friends!

This episode happened because Fiona, a fellow co-worker from another department, challenged me to a dessert duel (as I’m known for my baking – especially brownies). We chose cheesecakes as the theme and arranged to have our fellow co-workers from both departments vote on the winner (we just had to serve them).

So, in this second episode of “Desserts Are Fun”, watch me make my cheesecake (er … pie). You will have to watch the whole thing before discovering who won this competition (okay, okay, so you may already know who won, as I have left at least one hint around the website).

Here is the recipe if you would like to try this one for yourselves!

Recipe: Graham Cracker Crust


  • 1 1/4 cups crushed graham crackers
  • 1/2 cup crushed walnuts
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted


  1. In a small bowl, combine the crumbs, sugar, crushed walnuts and cinnamon; add butter and blend well. Press onto the bottom and up the sides of an ungreased 9-inch pie plate.
  2. Bake at 325 degrees F for 10-15 minutes or until crust is lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack before filling.

Recipe: Cheesecake Filling


  • 2 pkgs (250 g each) cream cheese at room temperature
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/3 cup 35% whipping cream
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp all purpose flour


  1. In bowl and using electric mixer, beat cream cheese with sugar until very creamy. Beat in eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Scrape down bowl. Beat in cream and vanilla. Beat in flour. Pour into crumb crust.Bake in centre of oven for 20 minutes.
  2. Reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees F. Bake until barely set and still slightly jiggly at the centre, about 20-28 minutes longer. Do Not Overcook! Turn oven off. Leave oven door ajar (not fully open).
  3. Let cheesecake sit in oven for 2 hours.Cool to room temperature on a rack for about 2 hours. Cover with plastic wrap, then chill for at least 4 hours.

Recipe: Macerated Berries


  • 1 pint Raspberries
  • 1 pint Strawberries (cleaned and hulled)
  • 8 tbsp Framboise (raspberry dessert wine) or Grand Marnier (orange-flavoured liqueur)
  • 4 tbsp sugar


  1. In a bowl, lightly mash the strawberries and raspberries. Add the sugar and pour the Framboise over the berries. Mix well, then cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour (overnight works well, too).

Once you are ready to serve your cheesecake, pour the macerated berries over the pie, then slice and serve!

Send me your variations. I would love to know what your favourite cheesecake is (or even where to buy the best).

Till next time … “Life’s sweet treats are best enjoyed with friends!”

Dig in and Enjoy!!

B =;)

My Cheesecake (pie)

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Fiona and Menke’s Cheesecake

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Insight on: Cheesecake Showdown

Notes from the Chef’s Sidekick (Helenka)

Yes, yes, I know I’m not a part of this episode, but I just wanted to mention that, after viewing this episode only once, I want-want-want to make Brian’s cheesecake pie all by myself. And I’ve never made a pie in my life. Or a cheesecake. Cakes, definitely, always usually with alcohol in them. I have baked with cream cheese, but these were yin-yang muffins where half was cream cheese with chocolate chips and the other half was a flour-egg batter with cocoa. But a real cheesecake – never. Until now. Though I just know I’ll be adding chocolate to the graham cracker crust which should come as absolutely NO surprise to anybody. Because … hello … chocolate! But, then again, that’s MY variation!

Microformatting by hRecipe.



Hey, everyone!

I’ve had so much fun creating food videos (covering appetizers, soups, salads and mains) that I thought I would start another show, this time about one of my favorite topics: DESSERTS!

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve enjoyed baking (words in text cannot convey how much I enjoy it and it runs in my family). Some of my favourite memories are of baking with my grandmother in Newfoundland (you can read about the cake incident in my bio ) or watching my mother whip something up. Throughout the years, I have made many a dessert including cakes, cookies, brownies, peanut butter cups, puddings, etc. [Helenka’s nostalgic comment: “Oh, those peanut butter cups! And also parfaits!”]

With that said, I thought now would be the perfect time to create a new video show (current thinking is perhaps once a month) and share my adventures with all of you. Along the way, I’ve invited a few of my friends/family to join in on the fun. Or you may see me preparing for a competition (something fun we do at work) or just something by myself for my own enjoyment!

For my inaugural episode, I invited a very special guest (I think you may have seen her once or twice before), namely Helenka from “Friends Food Fun”. So please sit back, relax and check out “Desserts Are Fun with Brian & Friends!”

Desserts are not something we need to sustain life, but they certainly do enhance what life has to offer. To me, nothing says it more decadently than real vanilla whipped cream smothering strawberries, raspberries, drizzled with balsamic glaze and honey and sprinkled with chopped walnuts. Mmm-mmm-mmmm.

Special thanks to Jennifer at work who gave me the idea of using Balsamic Glaze with the berries. Of course, we got carried away and I started piling on other stuff!

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Still 1

Still 3

Still 4

Still 2



  • For this recipe, you will need the following (proportions are guesstimates because who needs measurements when you can just wing it): 

    2 Dessert Cups
    6 Strawberries
    6 Raspberries
    2 tablespoons Balsamic Glaze (usually found with the other vinegars in the store)
    2 tablespoons Honey (we used Alfalfa Honey)
    1/2 Cup Chopped Walnuts
    1 Cup Whipping Cream (you can cheat by buying the canned stuff or make your own using the directions below).

    Over the Top Whipping Cream

    1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream (35% cream or higher if you can find it)
    3 tablespoons Confectioner’s Sugar (regular sugar works well too – just add more to taste)
    1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract (keep it real – none of that imitation stuff)


  1. Directions 

    In a chilled small mixing bowl using chilled beaters (I put both in the freezer because they need to be really cold for best results), beat cream until it begins to thicken. Add confectioner’s sugar and vanilla (if you like the flavour of vanilla, then use MORE!); beat until soft peaks form. Store in the refrigerator (or eat immediately like right out of the bowl – Helenka and I did 😉 ).


    Clean and slice strawberries before placing into dessert cups; add washed raspberries; drizzle half the balsamic glaze over berries for each cup; spoon half the whipping cream over the glaze and berries; drizzle half the honey, then finally sprinkle chopped walnuts (you can toast them if you like).

    Life’s sweet treats are best enjoyed with friends!
    Dig in and Enjoy!!
    B =;)

    Helenka’s notes:

    That brother of mine decided to really surprise me by keeping me up on my perch after we’d finished the “Friends Food Fun” episode. He also removed my Chef’s Sidekick title (only temporarily, thank goodness), so that I was a … guest. Why, it was such an honour! He made a simple but elegant dessert by building it from the ingredients he already listed in the recipe above. Just one wee coincidence: the whipping cream was left over from the Christmas episode. Wow! That was good luck.

    This sophisticated, adult version of a sundae was so much fun to eat. I’ve had balsamic vinegar on fruit before, though never anything as thick as a glaze. [And I’ve probably mentioned my teen obsession because of Graham Kerr’s TV show, The Galloping Gourmet, of eating strawberries sprinkled with freshly-ground black pepper. Making everybody around me believe I was eccentric. ::looks around in mock-confusion:: Who, me?]

    For a variation, I could definitely see blackberries in the mix, also red currants possibly interspersed with the walnuts on top, as the fruit is so pretty on its delicate vine.

    So, once again, different taste sensations are savoured. And a point is made. What is naturally sweet does not need to be overwhelmed with additional sweetness.