Hello, Culinary Playmates:
It is I, Helenka, your fearless advocate of gustatory creativity (aka I eat weird but really tasty food and think you should, too).
In this episode, Brian brought out ingredients to make — ::grinds to a stubborn stop and puts royal hands on royal hips:: WAIT. JUST. A. MINUTE!!!
Do I see my life flashing before my eyes … or at least a certain type of food? Didn’t we just have pizza two regular episodes ago? Ah, but then Brian-the-boss (sounds better than “Bossy Brian”, right?) brings out a different recipe from the Cook This Not That book VOL. 2, this one including real pizza dough. Mind you, it contained our Nemesis from over a year ago, namely whole-wheat flour.
I’m surprised I didn’t do my traditional hand and arm waving after taking a bite of the pie that emerged from the little-oven-that-could, but you will note that I dug in heartily to get a second forkful. Because all of the flavours and textures got very cozy during the baking process and, with the intent of full disclosure, I confess I never met an onion or bacon or cheese I didn’t clutch to my heart. Uh … metaphorically, that is. Otherwise, it’d be a real mess.
Okay, embarrassing revelation time. Since I already variationed [yes, it’s another word I’ve invented] myself to the extreme for the blog notes in Episode #38, I can’t think of anything else … although.… ::ponders for a moment:: There’s no reason why you couldn’t replace the bacon with thin slices or dices of your favourite Italian sausage. Mine just happens to be Soppressata (a dense dry-cured variety that comes in an oblong-shaped length). but you could use any other variety of sausage or combine two (one sweet, one hot) for more … er … ::whispers:: variety.
In the same train of thought, there could be more than one flavour of goat cheese used. You could overlap rounds of herbed and plain goat cheeses which would give your tastebuds a gently rolicking experience (just imagine my enthusiastic hand and arm waving and translate that feeling to your tastebuds; moans are – of course – mandatory).
But, you know, I shouldn’t go any further than that. The recipe was supposed to be simple and healthy and it was. Do you have any recipes that fulfill both requirements? Leave a comment and share them with us. Because (if we’ve said it once, we’ve said it an infinite number of times) sharing is one of the best things about cooking with friends.
Until next time, have yourselves a great week and don’t forget to have fun with your food, too!
B&H =;)
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Please note: We prepare, taste and review the recipes in the cookbook. However, in an effort to respect copyright, we are not able to reproduce the actual printed recipes here. If you do have the book, please follow along with us.