Tag Archives: Mont Gleason cheese



Hello, Culinary Playmates:

It is I, Helenka, your fearless advocate of gustatory creativity (aka I eat weird but really tasty food and think you should, too).

As you can see from the title of the episode, Brian and I were most happily engaged in making and enjoying our versions of instant pizzas (or, as I ended up calling the on camera, open-faced hot sandwiches). To make the process even simpler, Brian used flatbread as the foundation. As for doubling the fun, we actually quadrupled it, because I thought we should each have the opportunity to build our own, with the decadent influence of two cheeses on each one. After all, what is life if you don’t try to live it to the fullest, even if all that means is doubling the cheese. And sharing. That’s not just a recipe for twice the yum; it’s for yum to the ultimate power.

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My only choices were whatever Brian had set out on the counter. But, now, when I think of variations, I’m moving way past any traditional pizza toppings and wonder what the pizzas would have been like if I’d applied some of my indulgences from the previous episode (on gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches).

For the base, instead of using a flatbread, other possibilities include foccaccia (especially with rosemary on it), plain or garlic naan or my fave, onion kulcha. Instead of using garlic on top of the brushed-on olive oil, what about onion relish, tomato chutney or red pepper jelly. You’ll note I’m deliberately staying away from often-used tomato or meat sauces here. I really like the idea of being able to create something different that can be enjoyed right out of the oven or after it’s cooled down a bit. That’s also my reasoning for keeping the pizzas vegetarian. If you’re not using an animal product (which releases animal fat during heating), then there won’t be any congealing taking place on the surface of the pizza. [After all, I love pepperoni but cold pepperoni fat = yeeatch. ::pretends to screw up face in revulsion::]

If you want to stay in safe pizza ingredient territory, then you could try either red flame-roasted, raw or lightly blanched multi-coloured pepper strips. There are always artichoke hearts. Or a wide variety of mushrooms, including button ones preserved in oil. You could try sautéeing sliced mushrooms first in oil and draining well before layering on the pizza. What about sliced green, yellow, orange and red tomatoes arranged in an artistic pattern. Or thin slices of barely-ripe avocado, Add some shredded zucchini under the cheese layer(s). Or thinly-sliced pickled jalapeno. Or baby spinach leaves. I think you get the idea.

But, then, if you want to get really creative, reach into the fruit bin. Slice a pear, apple, or nectarine. Don’t forget about fresh, luscious figs. To dessertify (yes, I just made that word up [Editor’s privilege]), go with Mascarpone cheese. Stud some walnut halves under the cheese layer. Sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg. Does that not spell “decadent” to you? I definitely think it does.

Above all, let your mind wander in directions you’ve never allowed it to [Mine goes into outer space on a regular basis, but I don’t think you really want to know about that, lol.] because, otherwise, you’ll keep getting stuck in an earthly orbit … and the same predictable tastes.

Look at Brian and me. I’m sure half the time we’re scratching our heads (though at least we’re not tearing out our own or each other’s hair) and wondering How. On. Earth did we ever come up with a particular combination. But then we giggle, shake our heads in fond amusement and Go. Do. It. All. Over. Again! So … we dare you to embark on your own voyage of self-discovery. It’s enlightening, entertaining and, most of all, FUN!!!

Until next time, have yourselves a great week and don’t forget to have fun with your food, too!

B&H =;)



Greetings, Earthlings!

It is I, Helenka, ultimate ruler of the uni— ::reacts to sudden poke from Brian:: What? Oh, sorry. Wrong blog. Let’s try this one more time.

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Hello, Culinary Playmates:

Are you ready to go on another adventure with us? Fabulous. Because Brian decided we’d had so much fun with our decadently divine cheese tasting (Episode #32) that we should do it again by inventing our own grilled cheese sammidges – where I got to play with all the potential ingredients (and I did, I so did).

Now, if this were a typical blog entry, I would talk about what we made during the filmed episode and only later on provide variations. But I can’t do that this time … because the entire episode was one giant variation. And that was exhilarating for me! Come to think of it, I believe that’s one of Brian’s devious devices to get an unscripted and unpredictable reaction from me on camera. ::sighs:: And it works.

As I mentioned during the filming, here was another dish that I had been deprived of while growing up, with the one prominent exception in my adult life. I find it fascinating to see how we can intertwine a food with a memory of a happy occasion. Though it’s been at least 36 years, I can still remember the crisp but sunny day, the meandering walk through Rosedale on my way to my friend’s place, being offered that most humble combination, aka a grilled cheese sandwich, and finally watching The African Queen for the first time. Do you have any significant memories of happy events or important people in your lives that are inextricably meshed with a particular food? See for yourselves how many you can pair together.

To recap, here were my two exquisite creations:
Danish Blue cheese
Saint André cream cheese
Stone baked Rosemary Ham
Asian Pear
Balderson 6-year old Cheddar cheese
Mont Gleason cheese
Caramelized Onions
Fuji Apple
Honey Dijon Mustard

Anyway, back to the important lesson from this episode. Even if you did grow up with the standard version of a grilled cheese sandwich (two slices of bread spread with butter or marge with a slice of cheddar in between), there is absolutely NO reason for you not to create your own unique masterpieces!

If you’re stumped for ideas, just think about some of the cold sandwiches you’ve eaten of which cheese is a part … and translate them into a grilled version.
-Rare roast beef and Brie
-Reuben (corned beef, sauerkraut and Swiss)

Or, if you want to, you can think of a grilled cheese sandwich as an unusual type of pocket pizza. Any traditional (or weird) combo will work beautifully.
-Hawaiian (ham, pineapple and mozzarella)
-Vegetarian (mushroom, roasted red pepper and asiago)

Don’t be afraid to mix two cheeses (or go on a spree with three!). Get out the tomato or onion relishes that you normally use only during hot dog/hamburger season. See what other condiments are lurking at the back of your cupboard. Mix fruit with veggies. We did it with our salads before, so why not with this comfort food.

Or turn this into a simple yet decadent breakfast or dessert sandwich. You heard me wishing we’d had fresh figs. That’s only one possibility. There are so many other firm-fleshed fruits (peaches or nectarines, apricots, strawberries) that would be sensational with goat cheese. Cut the sandwich into four pretty triangles, sprinkle with a little powdered sugar and drizzle with maple syrup and … ohhhhh … um … where was I?

Any of the ideas we’ve presented for the French toast or pancake episodes could be adapted for use here as well, as long as the fruit is fairly sturdy. And just remember that the cheese needs to have body as well. That’s why I would not recommend a deli-style cream cheese alone, as its consistency would be too thin to withstand the heat of the oven unless paired with a firmer cheese.

So, please remember that, just because a grilled cheese sandwich used to be a fairly boring and traditional staple, you can play with it to your heart’s content. Because playing with your food is one of those unexpected (and often whispered) privileges of being a grownup. And more people, other than Teppan chefs who juggle food for entertainment, should be able to do so. Cheers to that!

Until next time, have yourselves a great week and don’t forget to have fun with your food, too!

B&H =;)