Review: Ultimate BLT or As I Like To Call It BOAT!
<Non Approved Evil Editor addition> – I managed to get this one by her do you think she will notice?
I did not know what to expect when we perused the book looking for something interesting to do for this episode, however when we saw the Ultimate BLT we thought it would be perfect as it matched all the right qualities:
1/ Simple Ingredients
2/ Something we would definitely enjoy (otherwise why bother)
3/ Doable in the amount of time allotted (that one is for eating – we’re hungry ya know, and of course for the obligatory editing – less on the memory card the less I have to chop lol).
BOAT (renamed from the original recipe) what a silly name for something so classic and ummm hmmm good! Typically BLT’s are butter, mayo crispy bacon, lettuce, tomato, and don’t forget the toast (whole wheat please – well done too 🙂 ). A list when put together might just be one of the ultimate comfort foods (well at least for me it would be).
So in saying that this recipe had a couple of things I had never tried in a BLT one being a sunny side up egg, and arugula instead of lettuce. In my fridge I just happened to have double thick bacon thinking this would be a perfect substitution for the regular bacon – yeah we deviated from the original (surprise, surprise) so the calorie count might be a bit off in comparison, but instead of the full slices of bacon suggested we used half the amount which I think balances it out.
Arugula I also have on hand (cause I make salad’s for lunch) and I LOVE the peppery bite it gives – I’m fond of saying your food should bite you back otherwise its boring. Next of course unless you hate chicken or any of its by products most folks have eggs in their fridge (mine are free range extra large typically or organic extra large – interestingly enough there actually is a difference and that would be in the yolk it is usually a darker colour, and I feel better flavour (good for another comfort food of boiled eggs on toast or my weekend breakfasts of poached eggs).
Tomatoes who woulda thunk that there are so many varieties to choose from and I enjoy trying them all so for this recipe we used campari tomatoes sliced into little rounds (Im currently working on a batch of heirloom ones that are simply delish – hopefully I have enough for Thursday’s filming).
Another foodie passion I have is looking for the best bread I can find (short of making it myself) this recipe called for 7 grain bread or sourdough and I found Stonemill Bakehouse to make some very good choices in bread (Im eating the sprouted grains one now which is 130 calories for 2 slices – which is not bad and tastes really really good).
Butter or its substitute is perfectly fine if you are not watching your diet or you can leave it out without any loss of quality (the bacon will make up for that).
Combine all this loveliness and one gets BOAT – Bacon, Oeuf, Arugula, Tomato our take on the Cook This Not That Ultimate BLT!
B&H =:)
PS. Don’t be afraid to try out your own combination we would love hearing any suggestions you have in creating your own version of the Ultimate BLT.
Please note: We try and review the recipes in the cookbook; however, in an effort to respect copyright, we are not able to reproduce the actual printed recipes here. If you do have the book, please follow along with us!

Notes from the Chef’s Sidekick (Helenka)
Dinner was supposed to be the Ultimate BLT from Page 150 of The Book. Well, Brian made a BOAT (Bacon, Oeuf, Arugula, Tomato) instead, using his executive chef’s privilege. Double thick bacon. Campari tomatoes. Toasted Multi-Grain bread. Topped with an over-easy egg (speshul sekrit ingredient in French) and another slice of toast. Mm-mm-mmmmmmm-mm. And that’s my restrained compliment. I didn’t know I could open my mouth that wide! He served the remaining arugula and tomatoes with a Russian salad dressing. Yes, definitely delightful.
I thought this would be an amazing dish to eat for breakfast or brunch because there’s bacon and egg and toast and, look, pretty green and red stuff. Oh, and a smidgeon of mayo. I dissuaded Brian from adding mustard since we were pretending to have brekkie instead of dinner. The salt chosen for this dish was from New Zealand.